MINIART Germanic Knights complete. Bargain Second World War missus buys me a hobby thing...

My Medieval collection in 1/72 continues to expand. These are ten MINIART German Knights that came as part of the 'Assault on Medieval Fortress' boxed set. 

The boxed set was great value at the time, I paid 40 dollars Australian, and it contains a sample of forces that I've been chipping away at this year. The only downside is that the sample of forces in the box are not the full compliment you would get in a self contained box. So, for example, the Swiss pikemen I painted earlier in the year contained 24 figures, rather than the full 48 you would get in the boxed set. Likewise these Germanic Knights, at 18 figures, is half the original set.

Given that those individual sets are practically unobtainable, and the 'Fortress' set was such a bargain, it's still a good deal for me, and enables me to keep expanding.

We don't discuss shields...I know I've had a good whinge about them in the past...suffice to say they do their job using the 'three foot' rule.

I still have to complete the mounted knights, but as it is school holidays and I have a little bit more time & energy, I've been experimenting with some different ways of painting up the horses. I've used a white Citadel primer/ base coat, added a wash, and now I've been applying various brown contrast paints.

The jury is still out...but it's been good exercise in experimentation.

You can also see the big green mug in the background. Perfect for a much needed brush & tool holder. My missus saw this on her Facebook 'Free to good home' page and went out and picked it up for me. 

She's definitely a good pud.

A bit of good fortune. I picked these die cast & plastic 1/72 German Vehicles up at our local 'Trash & Treasure' market. Five bucks each. A Hetzer, a Puma, a Tiger Recovery Tank...I think the grey vehicle is a Steyr with some kind of flak gun??

A bargain I reckon...they look much better than my very average painting and they are actually pretty decent pieces.

My intent for 2023 is to try the Battlegroup rules. I've been intrigued by that ruleset for a few years now but haven't followed through.

I don't really know much else about them...but they all came on little black plastic stands but they will do just fine. As you can see I've starting to try my hand at weathering the vehicles to soften the 'toy car' look.

All the best, Merry Christmas.


Ben Cato said…
Great looking figures Dash. I don't see the problem with the shields they look great to me.
Well done on picking up the WW2 surplus so cheaply, a great little force.
Have a great christmas and I hope your stocking is full of toys 😁
Slap-Dash said…
Cheers Ben, hope you have a great Christmas as well. CANCON is only a few weeks away...making a trip to Canberra perhaps?
Ben Cato said…
I wish I could make Cancon but very bad timing for me. 😒
Slap dash said…
That's a shame Ben, we could have met up and had a coffee and a good yarn...maybe even a game!