1/72 MiniArt Swiss Infantry set complete!
This set of 24 Swiss Pikemen came as part of the 'Assault of Medieval Fortress' box set. They took me about three weeks to paint and assemble.
Truth be told, I purchased the 'Assault..' set just to get my hands on these figures. The rest of the box - the castle terrain, the extra figures - were all a bonus. I'll spend the rest of the year chipping away at the contents of the box.
The pikes on these Swiss Infantry models are delicate, and for some, the joining fixtures will be glaringly obvious.
I'm not too fussed though, it would be ideal to have sturdy, lifelike pikes, but you get what you get, and you don't get upset...as I say to my kids.
A trade-off, and a minor limitation for 1/72 plastics.
Personally, there are so many positives to these MiniArt sets. They're cheap. I reckon the sculpts are really good, especially once they are painted up. These Swiss pikemen are a bit of an improvement on the French Cavalry set I painted about a year ago, but importantly, all of these Miniart sets provide me with a bit of variety for the period.
And they are some of the few available in Oz in my favourite scale.