Mucking about with Fistful of Lead: A play test game and other stuff...

Today I had another great game of Fistful of Lead with my mate C_. It was a scenario based up 'The Treasure of Stinky Pete', a scenario from the Fistful of Lead Core Rulebook.

C_ had taken some artistic licence with this game. The original scenario in the Core Rulebook is bunch of pirates looking for two halves of treasure map. Our game was based upon the original premise, but with a 15th/16th century European flavour. 

Our plan was to run through through a play-test of the scenario in preparation for a large multi-player game we have scheduled in a few weeks. That was the plan, but as it turned out we just had a really fun game that lasted for about two hours. We scaled down the forces to half of what will be planned for the big session.

In any case, it was a close run thing with a lot of bloodshed and sways of fortune. 

We pitted two groups of opposing mercenaries - a group of Landsknechts against a bunch of Spaniards - and the scenario had them searching & jostling for two halves of a promissory note. Once they had the completed note, they could get paid.

This meant that both sides had to search the town, coerce the locals, and fight to death if need be to get the two halves of that promissory note.

Needless to say there was much bloodshed...

I had planned to write up a much more detailed account of the big multi-player game we'll be having in a few weeks time. Today, I wasn't too taken with the distractions of my iPhone and it meant I could just go with the flow and enjoy the game.

This post is more of a teaser...hopefully I get some good juicy photos, with the full compliment of units we are planning to use.

Meanwhile I am, as always, dabbing away at my 1/72 queue. These MINIART 'Germanic Warriors' are still on my painting table, with sixteen more figures from the box to go. Being Cavalry figures, they are taking a little longer than usual but I'm happy with the progress. They're going to be nice little opposing force for my dark age Vikings.

I'm still waiting for my Lion Rampant 2nd Edition book to arrive, so perhaps these riders will be done in time...I am itching get my 72s back on the table.

As for my school's wargaming group...we are still meeting up and getting a game in fairly regularly, once a week. I still have to organise a longer session on an afternoon, or perhaps during the 'activities' scheduled for the last few days of the year. Our school lunch times are fairly short, and at 40 minutes, we just always manage to smash out a few turns.

It's all good.

Happy days.


Ben Cato said…
Very nice looking figures and no doubt it will be a fun game.
You may need to explain to the younger players (under 40) what a promissory note is 😊
Slap Dash said…
Thanks Ben, the figures are excellent, and were painted up by my good mate so I can't claim them as my own as much as I'd like to. As much as I'd like to introduce my students to Renaissance era war gaming, I don't think all those delicate figures and pikes would last too long...

I'm intending to bring our my 1/72 medieval figures with my school group later this year. My 72s are pretty robust and good enough for clumsy kids and adults (why I love them).

All the best.