Getting stuck into my Miniart stash...oh..and I played BloodBowl.

This week I've been cracking on with the next box in my painting and assembly queue. Keeping with my main passion of course, being Medieval period figures in 1/72 scale.

I've started the painting and assembly of these Miniart 'French Foot Soldiers with Rams', and I am pleased to say I'm on a bit of groove lately. It helps that it has been school holidays, and I've taken some time off.

I bought the box last year, after hunting around, I found that Tactics in Western Australia had a box left, and it was pretty cheap as well.

The box art has given me a few ideas, and I've stayed with a blue/maroon/grey kind of colour scheme for this set. I've tried to mix it up a little, but I think there's a nice cohesion with these figures. I'm also experimenting with changing up my 'tried and tested' painting technique of block painting everything and dousing it all in Agrax Earthshade. 

This time I'm trying to let the colours pop out a little more by NOT drowning everything in the gooey tea- like Earthshade. They're cool little figures with some neat poses as well, once the selected troops are posed with the rams it'll look ace I reckon.

The figures are not quite finished, but *almost* done for my style of slapping paint around.

The next conundrum will be the shields. I love the look of those highly detailed shields I have seen on the web, but I'm a bit lost at sea about designs and colour schemes. I'm kind of putting them off a little, truth be told.

The Rams themselves were a little trickier to assemble and glue than the War wagons I've recently completed. A few of the wheels and struts required some 'forceful but delicate' care to place and fit. Here they are, they'll need some painting and weathering. I'll probably use the same dimension for basing that I used with the War wagons.

Anyway, the box is getting done, and once the figures are based , I'll have a few more figures for some larger To the Strongest! games.

The best part of my weekend has been catching up with one of my wargaming mates from years ago. Good Old C____, a gentlemanly gamer that actual turned my obsession into board wargaming on its head and introduced me to tabletop wargaming. A long story I won't get into.....

We caught up on the weekend and he taught me BloodBowl. We played half a match over about two hours before family life beckoned and I had to cut the game short. 

Mate, what a cracking good game that is....totally suits my style of playing. Room enough for some satisfying strategy and tactics, but with enough scope to make wildy stupid and hilarious decisions.

And you bet I did make those stupid arse's kind of in the spirit of the rules though. It was so much fun and I'm keen to play it again.

I'm currently fighting the urge to spend my next pay check on the entire system...

All the best...

