A few Italeri 100 Years War English units for Lion Rampant


I've been getting stuck into my boxes of Italeri 100 Years War English 'Archers & Knights' over the past few weeks. 

My collection of Airfix Sheriff of Nottingham figures didn't really have the bulk of archers I wanted for that 'massed formation' look on the table. To achieve that desire, I had to purchase two boxes of the Italeri sets, for there weren't enough in one box to reach the require 12 figures for Lion Rampant. With seven archers in the set...I now have 14, plus the six or so from the Sheriff set. I painted those blue...so they are going to look pretty odd if I form them up together on the table.

The Halberdiers pose another conundrum...I'm four short of a full unit. I do have a few Airfix pikemen that should blend with them however. At least those Airfix pikemen are red.

I'm working my way through the Italeri boxes, a little each evening. I reckon they're beaut little figures, lots of detail, although the poses are a bit static truth be told. Some variation in the poses would look better, especially with these halberdiers. 

I've almost finished painting another batch of Foot Men-at-Arms from the set, but I've run up against another problem. It's almost a war-stopper.

There appears to be a button shortage in Darwin at the moment. For the life of me I cannot find the buttons I use for my 1/72 bases....I've combed all the Two Dollar shops and craft supply stores. A mystery.

The washers are difficult to get, so when I do find them at Bunnings, I make sure I buy up in bulk.

But those cheap plastic buttons were great, I mostly use them for basing, but also for markers for Fistful of Lead.

Oh Well, I'll keep plugging away.
