My Zvezda French update..half-way there.
I've been pretty crook over the weekend. A classic case of man-flu. My missus has essentially given her carte blanche to allow the kids to run riot without the trappings of my 'bad' parenting guilt....
So, rather than spending my Saturday running kids around to sports & kids parties, I've let them go a bit feral without a lot of supervision. In the olden days this was a typical childhood. I would leave home on my bike on a Saturday morning and not return for hours on end. The good old days of suburban Canberra back in the 70s and 80s...
Oh well. Things have really changed.
So with this, I managed to tackle a bit of painting, and I finished these Zvezda 1/72 French Infantrymen. I say painting because I've still got to finish the basing, and that'll be another slog.
I have about 27 figures to base now. No use delaying the inevitable.
I only pottered about with these for an hour or two. I experimented on the figures by using a gold Sharpie to highlight the fleurs-de-lys on the shields. Much, much easier than using a brush, and the results are pretty good. Hopefully the details won't fade or rub off once I've given the figures a matt varnish.
We'll see how it goes.