So over the past few days, I've pushed on and finished my set of Orion Vikings...I always reach a point when I'm painting, when I just say to myself 'she'll be right', 'enough stuffing around', 'they're only going to get worse' and I stop. 

This process usually stops with dry-brushing. I'm horrible at it, and the results are always patchy at best, so with these guys, I didn't bother. I know there are a lot of perfectionists posting amazing work online, but I like to see myself as championing the cause of the 'good enough for the tabletop' set. Not a big presence online, I know, but there you go, I'm doing my bit for the average hobbyist.

Obviously, I'm a 'tabletop' painter rather than a perfectionist. I paint to play. Personally, I love looking at all the amazing skills on display online, and every now and again I'll post some shots of our games, but my purpose here is to make a contribution rather than to show-boat my 'how's yer father' skills. 

Hopefully, someone will see my modest output and think, 'Yeah I can do that..that's achievable'...and get inspired to crack on.

Anyway, with this Orion set, and with my 'Sheriff of Nottingham' figures, I'm getting psyched for Lion/Dragon Rampant. More importantly, I think these are the last figures I have. I'm going to try to hold off buying more stuff and play some more games for a few months.

I've been reading through the DR rules and these vikings had barely dried before I was pushing the little fellas around the dining - table, running through the rules while my daughter absent-mindedly rolled dice as well.

I've recently bought some magnetised strips to use as bases for the game, and after a simple coat of olive green, I was happy with the result. As all of my figures have been based on washers, it means I can use these strips for other games such as Crossfire. These bases are not as speccy as the 'proper' movement bases, but they do work well, and will help to secure the figures in transit. The strips aren't too expensive, so I'll buy up a few more next pay-day.

The small problem I have with the viking set is how to organise a 20 - 24 point retinue for DR/LR. 

Firstly, the only missile flinging troops are these spearmen, which according to the rules I can use as 'biddowers' or skirmishers. Their range isn't as great as archers or crossbows, they are brittle in defence & close combat but have some nifty little scoot & shoot tactical advantages. I think there are only seven or eight in the set.

Then there are a bunch of blokes - and two women - with a mix of axes, knives, sticks, maces...probably enough of a mix of about 12 figures or so for what I'm going to classify as 'Ferocious' foot troops.

Then there are a bunch of sword & shield wielding heavier troops one could only classify as 'Foot Sergeants'. 

Over the next week or so I'll have to re-read the rules a little more and hopefully get a first game in by next weekend, all schedules permitting. 

