A few more knights for Arthur...

Work & family duties have taken over most of my life the past few weeks, leaving me with very little time to complete this project. Between work, and running around for various activities, there's been little to no time or energy left. 

I did manage to get these four riders painted last week. slow, but at least it's progress. I've only got three riders left to paint, and five lightly armed swordsmen to complete. I'm happy with the way these troops are coming out, colourful and with very expressive poses.

The other night I bought 'Dragon Rampant' via Amazon....the game itself looks really cool, however the Kindle format is not ideal to be honest. I'd much prefer a book, with larger charts. I was very tempted by the system it was very, very easy to just download the rules, so the convenience outweighs any small issues.

The only thing I'm little concerned abut is not having enough figures to get the game up & running.

In any case, we had a great game of 'Song of Arthur & Merlin' the other week that I'll probably organise a few more games of that in the interim.


Rob Dean said…
Hope you eventually worked out your issues with reading the Kindle version of Dragon Rampant. We’ve had a lot of fun with the game, and I’ve even played it in 1/72 using my own Sheriff and Robin Hood figures.
I'm painting up an opposing force of Orion 'Vikings' at the moment in order to get enough troops to the table for larger battles using DR. I might need to use dice to track damage, as I don't know if I'll have enough figures, but we'll see. The rules are great though, right in the sweet spot for me...not too fiddly, just right.